2024 Annual Impact Report
Thank You For Showing Up For Bridgeport Youth
Dear Elevate Champions​
I am thrilled to share with you the remarkable achievements and impactful initiatives that have defined this past year at Elevate Bridgeport. As we take a moment to reflect on the significant transformations and experiences that our students have undergone, I am reminded of the profound words of Theodore Roosevelt: "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." This sentiment resonates deeply with our work at Elevate, where our team consistently demonstrates care and dedication in guiding young individuals through critical and vulnerable phases of their lives.
Throughout the previous school year, Elevate Bridgeport had the honor and privilege of serving 451 Bridgeport Public students. Our devoted teacher-mentors invested over 2456 hours engaging with students outside the classroom, offering them a wealth of new experiences and opportunities. One highlight was the summer college and cultural tour to upstate New York, where students explored Buffalo University, Niagara Falls University, and landmarks significant in American history, such as stops on the underground railroad. Additionally, programs like FitFam and Beauty & Brilliance provided a platform for students to address traumas, develop accountability, tackle mental health challenges, and partake in valuable prosocial activities. Notably, 25 students participated in the Earn and Learn Summer internship program, gaining hands-on experience at local businesses while earning stipends.

Our teacher-mentors also dedicated 1,375 school hours to teaching accredited classes focusing on life skills and character development. Their presence during the school day has proven instrumental in preventing and de-escalating conflicts, fostering emotional regulation, and cultivating a positive school environment. Thanks to these efforts, an impressive 95% of Elevate students have successfully progressed to the next grade level, setting them on a path toward graduation and future success.​​​
I want to express my deepest gratitude to our donors, mentors, and partners for their unwavering support and commitment to our cause. Your collective efforts have truly made a difference in the lives of our students, encouraging them to excel and embrace growth opportunities. At Elevate, we show up not because it is easy or convenient but because we genuinely care. It is through the relationships we have nurtured and the dedication we exhibit that our students find value, support, and inspiration to exceed expectations, even amid challenges.
Thank you for being an integral part of the Elevate community, and let us continue to champion the potential and success of every student we serve.